Enjoyed seeing so many of our staff from PES, RES and FES learning about creating a school family through Conscious Discipline! Can’t wait to see the staff from GES and DES the next two days! #ccpsfamily

What new with school meals this year? Due to the federal waiver expiring, lunch will no longer be free to all students. Families must submit a meal application, available at carolineschools.org, to see if they qualify for free lunches. Families are encouraged to check for eligibility by filling out the form!
Breakfast is still free to all students, and lunch prices are: elementary $2.25; middle & high $2.50; adults $3.75.

August is crunch time and it's all hands on deck as we prepare for student's return. Who's putting together classroom furniture today? Caroline Superintendent Derek Simmons and Principal Brohawn's dad! Both understand the value of #CarolineFamily.

Our dedicated CCPS administrators have been hard at work preparing for the school year! We are committed to our vision, that every student will be prepared, empowered and inspired to thrive in an ever-changing and diverse world.

Director of Instruction Lindsey McCormick + Caroline Recreation & Parks Program & Community Services Supervisor Danny Mitchell teamed up to welcome visitors from South Carolina's Afterschool Leaders Empowered Program. They shared best practices & experiences as partners & leaders in the field of afterschool and expanded learning. #CarolineFamily #ShareWhatYouKnow

What a great time at the DES Picnic with the Principal event! It was wonderful to see so many parents, staff, and students ringing in the new school year! Hats off to Mrs. Crebs, the DES staff, PTA, local businesses, and volunteers for a wonderful event!

What's up at DES? Read the DES Family Newsletter Summer Edition for all the latest information!

Ready to be a part of the #CarolineFamily? Check out our openings at carolineschools.org today!

Excited to be able to engage with fellow members of Drug Free Caroline! What fantastic partnerships exist in our area to support behavioral health!

Enjoying learning about a great new way to communicate with our community!