Ready to roll! Board President Jim Newcomb welcomes teachers to the 2022-2023 school year.
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
man at podium
We're excited to welcome our teaching staff back to school today! #CarolineFamily
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Welcome back teachers, it's going to be a terrific year!
Boxes, bags, goodies and assembly line workers. What in the world is going on? #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
4 people working in room
In the midst of a hectic time of year, the Central Office was more than happy to pause and celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby Lily, the daughter of Supervisor of Instruction Rob Willoughby and #GESHornet Becky Willoughby. No surprise that Miss Lily received a lot of books! #CarolineFamily
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
2 people opening gifts
That’s a wrap for #CarolineSummerfest2022! See you all soon at school. #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
one person
two children
one child
More #CarolineFamily & friends!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
one person
one person
one person
one person, two children
This brand new Caroline student is headed for kindergarten! Check out the drawing of him hanging up his backpack and sitting at his desk. He’s ready to go! #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
little boy with mask and drawing
Our #CarolineFamily is excited to get the school year started! #CarolineSummerfest2022 #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
one woman
one woman
man, woman, two children
one woman
We have some School Resource Officers and transportation staff who are pretty excited about the first day of school! #CarolineSummerfest2022 #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
police officer and man
police officer
A few more pics from #CarolineSummerfest2022 last night. So many teachers and students excited to return to school! #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
one woman
one woman
three children
three children
A few more pics from last night’s #CarolineSummerfest2022! Come visit our booth today and let us know why you’re excited to go back to school. We’re in front of the What’s New Shop at the end of the block on Market Street. #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
two girls
one woman
2 girls
one boy
Elementary band students wow’ed the crowd at Summerfest! Teachers Ashley Weer (RES), Nicole Oesterle (DES), and Ryan List (PES) did a great job getting them ready for their performance. #carolinesummerfest2022 #CarolineFamily
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
woman at microphone, band behind her
band students
So many visitors to our booth who are excited to go back to school! Come see us at #CarolineSummerfest2022. #OneCaroline #CarolineBTS2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
1 child
1 woman
two children
one child
We’ve had some great visitors at our booth! Come visit us if you’re at #CarolineSummerfest2022! ##CarolineFamily
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
one child
two children
two girls
one man
The CRHS Spirit of the Revolution and NCHS Band of Blue rocked the Summerfest opening! #OneCaroline #CarolineSummerfest2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
band students playing
band students playing
We wheeled our stuff over, got all set up, and now just need to see you! Visit our booth and let us know why everyone’s excited for school to start! #CarolineFamily #CarolineBTS2022 #CarolineSummerfest2022
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
4 people at booth
coloring paper, markers
two people putting up tent
man with cart and supplies
Thrilled to be invited, along with Mr Marketto, to the Junior Achievement groundbreaking for the Perdue Henson JA Center! Thanks to Governor Hogan for his support for financial literacy, and JA of the Eastern Shore for championing this.
over 2 years ago, Derek Simmons
JA Groundbreaking 2022
Attention Caroline Sports spectators! Admission prices for all sports contest this year are: $5.00 for adults & $3.00 for students (Prices may differ during state playoff contests based on MPSSAA guidelines.) We predict a winning year for #CRHS Colonels and #NCHSBulldogs!
over 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Bleachers, high school logos
In the midst of a great day with an awesome group of new teachers! Just a few early pics of an action-packed day. Many thanks to Educational Systems Federal Credit Union for sponsoring breakfast! #CarolineFamily
over 2 years ago, Sandi Barry
people at table
people at table
speaker at podium
breakfast buffet with people
We’re excited to welcome new teachers to the #CarolineFamily today! We can’t wait to see everyone and get #CarolineBTS2022 started.
over 2 years ago, Sandi Barry
table, promo items
backdrop with logo