To enroll your child in the coming school year that will end in June of 2025, please use these links:

Enrollment & Attendance
New Student Enrollment for all new pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students
(PreK and Kindergarten Information)
Step 1 - PowerSchool Online Enrollment is a secure platform that allows parents/guardians to securely enter their child’s information into an online database.
New users: Begin by using your email address to create an account, and then proceeding through the process.
Existing users: If you already have an account for your older student(s), please use the same email/password to log into your account.
Step 2 - The school office will call the phone number provided in step 1 to schedule an appointment. During the appointment, the parent/guardian will provide documentation and finish the enrollment process.
2024-2025 School Year Enrollment
Frequently Asked Questions About Enrollment
Need to provide or update your student's information? This may be done through PowerSchool.
August through September 30: Parents need to submit the Student Information Form ANNUALLY for all students, even if information remains unchanged. Every student, every year! The form is available each year August through September 30 in the parent portal in PowerSchool.
After September 30: If a student's information changes after September, parents should use the Year Round Form, also in the parent portal in PowerSchool.
If you are unable to access either form, please contact the school to update your child's information.
Maryland's Compulsory Attendance Law
Children between the ages of 5 and 18 must attend a public school regularly during the entire school year unless otherwise enrolled in a private school or registered in a home instruction (home schooling) program.
Each person who has in their custody a child between the ages of 5 and 18 must ensure that the child attends school or receives regular thorough instruction, as required above.
Daily School Attendance is an Expectation
Every CCPS student is expected to attend school daily unless he or she is ill or has another exceptional circumstance.
Students miss valuable instruction anytime he or she is absent. Every day is important!
Documentation of absences are required within ten (10) days of the student's return to school.
Examples of Lawful Absences
student illness
death in the family
court summons
Examples of Unlawful Absences
Any child who is repeatedly absent will be contacted by school personnel. Students with excessive absences will receive further intervention to encourage daily school attendance including:
illness of a family member
missing the bus
employment not approved by the school
vacation, unless approved by the principal
Attendance Interventions
telephone notification to parent/guardian
written notification to parent/guardian
parent and/or student meeting held with CCPS staff
visits to student's home by school officials
Possible Consequences
Loss of credit or retention
Referral to appropriate agencies - Department of Social Services and/or Teen Court Program
Legal action - Per Maryland law, unlawful absences may lead to a parent or guardian being found guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine or imprisonment.
How Can Families Encourage Daily Attendance?
Let children know attendance every day is important.
Communicate with school staff.
Send a written excuse to school on the same day the child returns to school after being absent.
Read the Student Handbook to become familiar with the information about daily school attendance.
Observe the school schedule.
Plan vacations during official school break times.
Establish and maintain a daily routine.
Praise your child when he/she exhibits good attendance and promptness.
Encourage involvement in extracurricular activities.
Reach out for help from school staff and/or other agencies, if necessary.
Student Responsibilities
Attend school and all classes each day school is in session.
Be on time for school every day.
Participate in school work, prepare for all classes, complete all assignments and follow directions given by teachers.
Take personal responsibility for all actions and behaviors.