Dear PES Families,
The PES Parent Panther Newsletter can be found here.
Hello! We hope everyone is doing well and have a great weekend! Please be sure to read our newsletter in full for all of the latest PES news.
Please be sure to download the new CCPS App from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store as soon as possible. In the near future, CCPS will be transitioning to our App as our main method of communication. It will be a hub for news, posts, emails, calls, and more that will enable our families to stay up-to-date on all the latest CCPS news.
There will be a 1:00 PM Dismissal (1/2 Day of school) on Friday, 9/16.
Back to School Night will be on Wednesday, 9/21. Next week's newsletter will include detailed information on this event, vendors who will be in attendance, and a schedule for this important night.
Fall pictures courtesy of Strawbridge Studios will take place on Thursday, 9/29.
Please return the Choptank Wellness Form (Green) if you would like to have your student enrolled in our School-Based Health and Dental program.
Please return the Free and Reduced Meal Form for all students that were sent home this week. This form is directly tied to our state Title I funding, and it is very important that we get as many back as possible regardless of earning status
Please be on the lookout for technology contracts that are being sent through email via PowerSchool. You can electronically sign these contracts for your student(s) this year
Our PTO will be having its next meeting on Monday, 9/12 @ PES starting at 6 PM. Topics of discussion will be sub-committee work, fundraisers, and events.
Important events for this week and beyond include:
PTO Meeting - 6 PM @ PES in the Media Center - 9/12
Half-day of school - 1 PM Dismissal - 9/16
Back to School Night - 9/21 - 6 PM
Fall Pictures - 9/29