Dear PES Families,
We hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend! Please read the entire newsletter to catch up on all the news and upcoming details from Preston Elementary School.
Our newsletter can be accessed here.
We encourage you to also follow us on Facebook and the CCPS app. Here are the important updates for this week:
Our Preston Panther PTO has kicked off its annual major fundraiser to support all they do for Preston Elementary School. All proceeds from this fundraiser directly benefit the PTO, which then uses those funds to support PES and events like dances, book fair donations, Spring Fest, and much more. Please see the QR code on the flyers in our newsletter to order. Orders can be placed at this location. These flyers have also been sent home with your student and emailed to all families.
All Winter Book Fair information can be found in this newsletter, our website, or Facebook page. Students will also bring home paper copies of Book Fair information, and we have emailed all families with details. Winter Book Fair will be held all this week in school, with a Book Fair Night being held this Thursday, 2/27, from 4 to 5 PM for all PES families.
We are excited to announce that this year’s Parent Day will be held this Friday, February 28, 2025. We look forward to welcoming all parents, guardians, and caregivers to PES for this special event. Below in the newsletter are some important details to help make the day a success. All parent day information has been emailed to parents and posted on our website and Facebook page.
We are preparing for our next Buddy Day and are looking for cardboard boxes, paper towels, toilet paper rolls, and other fun materials for a St. Patrick's Day-themed Buddy Day. Donations are due by March 7th.
The CCPS Board of Education has released the amended 24-25 school calendar to account for snow days and make-ups. For details and a copy of the amended calendar, please see the article linked in our newsletter.
This week, we shine our PES Educator Spotlight on Mrs. Keli Worm! Mrs. Worm is our Math Intervention Teacher at Preston Elementary School and has taught for 26 years! Mrs. Worm holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (certified in 1-6 and Middle) and a Master of Education in Reading. Mrs. Worm also holds certification in LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling). Mrs. Worm is a member of our SIP Wellness Committee and assists with our Math Fluency Recognition program! Mrs. Worm plans to continue to help students develop a love for mathematics! We are so thankful that Mrs. Worm has made the Panther Pride Den her home! #PESEducators #PESPantherPride
Important upcoming events included in this newsletter are:
Preston Panther PTO Fundraiser - Ongoing until Friday, 2/28/25
Spring Book Fair - Last Week of February
Parent Day - Friday, 2/28/25
Buddy Day Donations Due - Friday, 3/7/25
Q3 Mid-terms Issued - Monday, 3/3/25
Science Club - Wednesday, 3/5/25
Read Across America Spirit Day - 3/7/25
If you have any questions related to the happenings at PES, please email the principal ( or by calling the school directly.
Here are the contents of this week's newsletter:
PES Updates Message from Mr. Angeloni - UPDATED - 2/22/25
PES Winter Book Fair - NEW
PES Buddy Day Help Needed - NEW
One School, One Book 2025! - Ongoing
PES Teacher Spotlight! - Mrs. Keli Worm - NEW
The PES PTO Corner - UPDATED - 2/22/25
CCPS 24-25 Calendar - UPDATED
PowerSchool Information Updates - REPOST
CCPS Code of Conduct - REPOST
Download the CCPS App today! - REPOST
Dress Code Policy Revisions - REPOST
Choptank Health - January Newsletter - REPOST
Navigating Cold and Flu Season - NEW
Cook Center Resources - UPDATED
CELAC Workshops - REPOST
Summer Career Enrichment Program - REPOST
Maryland Pathways Opportunities - UPDATED
SECAC Event - SSI Information - NEW
CCPS Immigration Support - REPOST
Attendance Reminders - REPOST
Update on CCPS Lunches - REPOST
CCPS Food Backpack Program - REPOST
Promoting a healthy and safe environment for ALL students and staff - REPOST
PES School Improvement Plan and Family Engagement Home Compact - UPDATED
PES Parent Title I Information - REPOST
We appreciate the patience, kindness, and flexibility our community continues to show our staff!
A.J. Angeloni