Six teachers were recognized at the March Board of Education meeting for earning National Board Certification (NBC):
• Cortney Blizzard, Preston Elementary School, Exceptional Needs Specialist-Early Childhood through Young Adulthood/Early Childhood (EC)
• Andrew Buffenmyer, North Caroline High School, Social Studies-History-Adolescence and Young Adulthood
• Ashley Ireland, Preston Elementary School, Generalist-Early Childhood
• Kimberly Mielke, North Caroline High School, English Language Arts-Adolescence and Young Adulthood
• Kristine Moran, North Caroline High School, English Language Arts-Adolescence and Young Adulthood
• Taylore Thompson, Colonel Richardson High School, Social Studies-History-Adolescence and Young Adulthood
NBC is a professional certification that is designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. To earn an NBC, eligible candidates must demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and practice in their individual certificate area. To maintain certification, periodic demonstration of knowledge and skills is required.
These teachers join the ranks of CCPS teachers who earned an NBC in previous years and have maintained their certification: Amy Sundt at DES, Sarah Waters at GES, Jessica Andres at GES, Jeannine Necessary at LMS, Mirta Valdes-Bradner at NCHS, Kevin Webster at NCHS, and Robert Willougby, Supervisor of Human Resources.
Dr. Simmons thanked the teachers for taking the necessary steps to earn the NBC, given that there is a tremendous amount of work involved and a lot of reflective practice in the process.