Updated: Please take the survey by clicking on Revised Draft Calendar Survey.
Caroline County Public Schools is in the process of developing the 2025-2026 school year calendar. A previous survey sent to staff and families contained a mistake in Calendar #2 that resulted in the wrong number of total student days. Therefore, the survey is being conducted again with a corrected calendar. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to participate in a second survey.
Two draft calendars have been created for staff and families to consider and provide input that will inform the decision of the Board of Education at their March 2025 meeting. Please take a moment to review each draft calendar and answer the two brief questions that follow.
Note: The calendars have been named based on the start date. However, there are other differences between the two that should be considered. Please review each carefully.
Draft Calendar 1: Pre-Labor Day Start
Draft Calendar 2: Post-Labor Day Start
Please visit the Calendar page of the CCPS website for more information about calendar development. Thank you for your input!