As a part of the CCPS Wellness program, employees participated in a Walktober event. 338 staff members earned at least 20 leaves which turns into 25 points in the Employee Wellness Program.
Individuals at the top of the leaderboard were entered into a prize drawing. Those receiving prizes were:
Ann Atkinson
Jennifer Bishop
Bobby Helgason
Sophie Labelle
Tracy Ward
Brooke Planner
Susan Angeloni
Gus Clark
Nicole Young
Emily McMorris
The team challenge was quite competitive with 4 teams earning top honors. Those teams earning prizes as well include:
CRMS PE/UA/IT (Bryan Hall, Lauren Phillips, Chris White, Christian Kinnamon, Heather Harper)
Soul Sisters (Michele Sartwell, Darlene Schwaeble, Chandra Cabarris, Sally Swanda, Christina Clark)
CRMS Champs (Dylan Lyles, Morgan Willoughby, Mona Ferris, Jennifer Shoemaker, Rob Honer)
Sole Mates (Rachel Shelly, Tiffany Rein, Chad Shelly, Dylan Vickers, Josh Rein)
And the most creative team name goes to The Young and Breathless (Tisha Russell, Andrew Bishop, Kim Mielke, Jackie Holtzman, and AJ Jackson)!