A Message from Dr. Simmons

Update Oct. 4: Recently, information was shared with families regarding unfounded social media threats being made locally and across the country since the beginning of the school year. Unfortunately, these incidents continue to occur.

As shared before, every time a threat comes to our attention from any source, we work with law enforcement partners and the Maryland Center for School Safety to thoroughly investigate every detail, including the original source of the threat. None have been found to be credible.

Once again, we ask for your help in reinforcing the following information at home:

  • Making threats, even as a joke, can have severe consequences including legal action, expulsion from school, and long term damage to their future.

  • Making a threat on social media is a criminal matter, even if there is no criminal intent or ability to carry out the threat.

  • All threats are referred to law enforcement for investigation.

  • Students making threats on social media are subject to state and federal criminal charges and prosecution.

We will continue to reinforce these facts with students in school and appreciate your support at home. Should you need further information, please reach out to your school.

Dr. Derek L. Simmons

Sept. 16: In the last two weeks, school systems in Maryland and across the country have dealt with non-credible threats of violence on social media. To date, Caroline County Public Schools has not received any of these threats. However, we remain in close contact with local law enforcement and the Maryland Center for School Safety regarding threats elsewhere.

Despite no threat occurring in Caroline to date, these incidents still cause stress on our students and families, as well as our staff. Parents and students sharing these threats (taking screenshots, reposting, sharing and texting them) creates anxiety, stress, panic, and makes it harder to find out from where the threat is coming. Lastly, it disrupts the learning environment and your home.

If you or your child see a social media threat, do not seek answers on social media. Please do not forward or repost it. Talk to your student about reporting any threatening post or communication to our school staff and police.

Please know that the safety and security of our staff and students are our highest priority, which is why we have multiple layers of safety in our schools and district. We truly appreciate our partnership with our families in all we do. If you ever have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your school principal.

Dr. Derek L. Simmons