
Hello and Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!

March 25, 2024

Our Board of Education Work Session was held last Tuesday evening, and we are delighted with the Mid-Year Academic Achievement Data Report that was shared with us. Mrs. Allis-Fisher, Mrs. Hesson, Mrs. Mulligan, Dr. VonDenBosch, Dr. Downes, and Dr. Simmons did an outstanding job presenting the student data for grades K-12 in Reading, Writing, and Math.

The hard work that you and your students are doing every day is making a positive difference. The data reporting and reviews, the data conferences, the weekly meetings, the parent conferences and phone calls are all paying off. To those of you who may not directly teach Reading, Writing, or Math, we realize that each of you also has an important part in the success of our students.

So, we say “Thanks” to each of you! We want you to know that we see and appreciate your dedication to the students and families of Caroline County Public Schools!

Thank You!

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