At the February meeting, the Board of Education adopted a calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
Superintendent Dr. Derek Simmons reviewed the process for developing a school year calendar, which includes a survey to staff and families gauging general preferences and feedback from the School System Improvement Council (SSIC) and Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC). With that information, two draft calendars are developed and shared through a staff and parent survey and with the SSIC and CAC.
Dr. Simmons shared the data from the draft calendars survey, which included a breakdown of preferences by roles. The Board discussed the merits of each calendar, including the potential benefits to students and their academic performance. Following discussion, the Board voted unanimously to adopt draft calendar #1 for the 2024-2025 school year.
The finalized calendar is available on the CCPS website; translated versions will be posted as soon as they are available. Staff and families are reminded that the calendar is subject to change throughout the year, and the CCPS app and website are the most up-to-date source of current information.