policy graphic

At the October Board of Education meeting, a new policy entitled Distribution of Materials in Schools and On School Property was introduced for a first reading. This policy will be brought back before the Board of Education at its regular meeting on November 7 for a second reading and potential enactment.  

The draft policy is available online at this link: Distribution of Materials Policy.  The public is invited to share feedback with the Board by emailing comments to PIO@ccpsstaff.org. Comments will be accepted up until the close of business on October 31, 2023.

According to Board policy, new policies are reviewed by the Board at least two meetings prior to their adoption. Revised policies may be adopted after review at one meeting. The exception is a new policy that is required by the Maryland State Department of Education, which may be adopted with one reading by the Board.

Further information on the new policy:

Why is this policy needed?

CCPS does not currently have a policy or procedures on what materials are appropriate for distribution to our students and parents, nor what community groups may distribute information on school grounds or during the school day. This policy seeks to provide such guidance.

What does this new policy say?

The new policy states that CCPS will continue to promote and distribute information on programs that have a direct extension of the school’s educational program, such as the SAT or AP exams, yearbook purchases, school picture days, etc.)

The policy allows for direct distribution from our community partners with whom we have joint programming (such as parent-teacher organizations, Caroline County Parks and Recreation, or athletic or music booster clubs).

All other organizations seeking to distribute information to students and families must do so via the digital flyer platform (currently PeachJar). CCPS reserves the right to approve the materials to be distributed, and the policy defines materials which would be deemed inappropriate.