Greensboro Elementary School (GES) has been recognized as a Maryland Green School by the Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE). The award represents a schoolwide commitment to environmental literacy that includes staff, students, and the community.
At the June Board of Education meeting, GES teacher Zelie Kneller was recognized as the team leader in earning the Green School status. Over the past two years, GES has demonstrated and documented a continuous effort to integrate sustainable environmental management practices, environmental education curriculum, professional development opportunities, and community engagement into the daily operations. This award signifies that GES has made a commitment to developing stewards of the earth and reducing the environmental impact of the school.
In presenting the recognition at the Board meeting, Supervisor of Instruction Amy Towers applauded Ms. Kneller’s tireless efforts to lead the Green School initiative, and shared that she is now assisting other school teams achieve the same status.
MAEOE is a non-profit organization. MAEOEs mission is to encourage, engage and empower the community to understand, responsibly use and promote the natural world. MAEOE's Maryland Green School program began in 1999.