Special Education

Caroline County Public Schools believes strongly that all children are entitled to educational opportunities. Furthermore, we believe children with disabilities are more alike than different from other children. It is our mission to ensure all children’s needs are served in Caroline County classrooms.

CCPS Approach to Special Education

  • All children with disabilities deserve a free and appropriate educational program that recognizes individual needs and differences.

  • All children with disabilities will be provided special education programs and services at no cost to the individual, parent, or legal guardian.

  • We use a system of early intervention to identify students with disabilities and give them a strong start in public education.

  • We leverage interagency partnerships to deliver additional services and programs to students with disabilities.

  • We maintain a high standard of qualification and evaluation for our administrators, teachers, and specialists who work with children with disabilities.


The term “student with a disability” means a student, ages three through 21, evaluated as having a specific learning disability, other health impairment, autism, emotional disability, speech or language impairment, visual impairment including blindness, deafness, hearing impairment, deaf-blindness, orthopedic impairment, intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, and/or developmental delay; and who, because of that impairment, needs special education and related services.

Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC)

The Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee seeks meaningful input from parents, community partners, service providers, educators, and administrators on local issues that affect the education and wellbeing of children with disabilities. SECAC operates as a partnership at the local level.

2023-24 SECAC Events Calendar

Other Special Education Resources


Erica McDonald
Supervisor of Special Education
410.479.3246 x1112 |  mcdonald.erica@ccpsstaff.org

Raquel Johnson
Coordinator of Special Education
410-479-3246 x 1147 | johnson.raquel@ccpsstaff.org