
CCPS provides access to student information for parents through PowerSchool Parent Portal. Students' attendance, grades, and schedules can be viewed through Power School. Power School also has a Mobile App.

To access your Parent PowerSchool account:

The school will provide your PowerSchool login information. If you have not received it, please call the school or email powerschool@ccpsstaff.org to receive the login information for your parent account.

Student PowerSchool Login Information

Students will log in with their school assigned email and password. They will receive this information from the school. They may also request it from their counselor or from CCPS support at powerschool@ccpsstaff.org.

Login information should never be shared as the account has confidential information about the student. Parents may also have their own login name and password to see confidential information.

The student should always sign in using the student account. The parent/guardian should always sign in using the parent/guardian account. Student and parent/guardian should not use the same account.

PowerSchool Access

Updating Basic Information

Students will log in with their school assigned email and password. They will receive this information from the school.  contact information (email, phone number, and student home address) may be updated within the PowerSchool parent portal

How to:

  1. Click on the student tab, which accesses current information for the student.

  2. Scroll down the menu on the left and select the Year Round Form in the appropriate language.

  3. Make changes as needed and save, which will lead to the confirmation page. (No confirmation email will be sent.)


  • Updates cannot be submitted unless all required fields are complete. 

  • Parents can update the student’s address, not the parent address. By default, the parents address will update if it is indicated they live with the student.

  • A Proof of Residency cannot be uploaded. Documentation must be provided to the school. 

Need specific help?

  • Username and password, or login issues: Brandie Johnson, johnson.brandie@ccpsstaff.org

  • Attendance, grades, and other questions specific to your student:
    Please contact the student's school directly.


Brandie Johnson
PowerSchool Administrator
Data Systems Operator