Caroline County Public Schools partners with Cook Center for Human Connection to provide parents and caregivers access to the Mental Health and Wellness Resource Center at

Parent Guidance was developed by licensed therapists and provides trusted and specialized courses, professional support, and a safe community for parents to learn more about supporting their child. Parents can also get answers to mental health questions dealing with a variety of topics such as anxiety, depression, self-worth, grief and loss, suicide ideation, self-harm, bullying, family strife and other mental health concerns. 

Once a free account has been set up at, users have access to the following services:  

Monthly district-specific webinars 1st Wednesday
Monthly at 7:00-8:00 pm. Please see below for specific information.

Parent Coaching
After registering and filling out a questionnaire, parents and caregivers connect with a parenting coach. This enables personal and supportive guidance on behavior strategies to address challenges being faced by the family. Free, confidential parent coaching includes:

  • Weekly 1:1 video calls with a coach

  • 24/7 texting with a response within 24 hours

  • Guided, step-by-step resources

  • Helpful tools and tips

Online Parenting On Demand Courses The site has over 50 free courses may be started, resumed, or completed at any time.

Ask a Therapist
This services enables users to review therapist video responses to Frequently Asked Questions submitted by parents or submitted by the user.


Webinar Flyer, English with QR Codes | Webinar Flyer, Spanish

Monthly webinars, developed and delivered by licensed therapists, are designed to help parents and caregivers support students. Each webinar is virtual and interactive; however, registration, attendance and interactions are kept totally anonymous.

If you missed a webinar or would like to re-watch one, please see the link below each seminar that has passed.

For more information about webinars, please contact Stellalee Coulbourne,

October 11: Bullying-Stop the Cycle
English Recording | Spanish Recording

November 8: Your Child's Anxiety
English Recording | Spanish Recording

December 6: Depression-You're Not Alone
English Recording | Spanish Recording

January 10: What Parents Need to Know About Suicide Prevention
English Recording | Spanish Recording

February 7: School Avoidance
English Recording | Spanish Recording

March 6: Substance Use and Vaping
English Recording | Spanish Recording

April 3:   Social Media - Protecting Your Child
English Recording | Spanish Recording

May 8: Emotional Regulation - Recognizing What's Wrong
English Recording | Spanish Recording

June 5: Building Your Child's Confidence
English Recording | Spanish Recording

July 10: De-Escalating Cycles of Conflict

Aug. 7: Grief - The Healing Process